Re-Entry Plan

Joshua Tufte • October 14, 2022

We have had literally hundreds of phone calls, emails, text messages, and social media inquiries into when and how we are re-entering the building.

The short answer is that we don’t know.

We are working with local and state governments to form a plan of action for when we re-enter the building literally every single day. And nearly every day the information changes.

Please rest assured that we are working hard to make sure that we are back as soon as possible with as much safety as possible. As soon as we get a solid date we will announce it.

As of right now our requirements for coming back as a church are as follows:

1: Seniors much be able to come back with our congregation.

2: Children must be able to come back with our congregation.

3: We must be able to meet in a substantial group (more than 50)

We want to make sure our people can come back together all at the same time, even if it’s to multiple extra services.

Kingdom Crossing

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