In HIS Image

Joshua Tufte • October 14, 2022

Upcoming “In His Image” Sermon Series

We are unique among God’s creatures. Why? Because we are made in His image, we are all image-bearers of God. Of all the other creatures and beautiful things on this planet we are unique, the only ones. Not many Christians will argue this point. 

What is argued is are we equal or un-equal image-bearers.

Now, not many people would argue this point outright because of the social implications of racism and other forms of discrimination. They will say all are equal but not practice that all are equal. Actions, however, always speak louder than words. Right now, the actions of people all across the United States of America and the world are saying loud and clear that some are more or less than others.

However, when we stop looking at people as Black, White, Mexican, Republican, Democrat, Christian, Non-Christian, Lesbian, Straight, Rich, or Poor, and start looking at them as Image bearers of God something has to change in both our perspective and our actions. 

We must remember our purpose as the Church is to rescue humanity not to win a crusade against it. 

The purpose of this series is to show us through Biblical proofs that we are all equally blessed as image-bearers of God. Equally fallen as sons and daughters of man. And equally able to receive his love and grace through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We seek to educate our people on why this is important and how to apply this to our lives. 

We seek to teach ourselves and others to see the value and benefits of being an image-bearer of God inherent in being a human. 

By being an image-bearer, you are unique.

By being an image-bearer, you are loved.

By being an image-bearer, you have a choice.

By being an image-bearer, you can choose to have eternal life.

Join us starting this Sunday 8/2/2020 at 10:30 am online or in-person to learn what it means to be an image-bearer of God.

See you soon!

Kingdom Crossing

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