Learn About Us!

The Crossing is a diverse and modern church with multiple locations delivering a positive and relevant message you can apply to your everyday life. When you arrive, you can expect to find welcoming and friendly faces, a congregation representing all walks of life, genuine worship, and above all, hope.

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The Bible

The Bible is the inspired Word of God, a divinely preserved "lamp for our feet" and light for our path.

Jesus Christ

God and man were in the flesh, and He died for our sins and arose from the dead.


Salvation with its forgiveness, imparting a new nature and hope of eternal life, is by the pure grace of God.

Our Culture

Jesus is our message.
Generosity is our privilege.
Authenticity is our calling.
Compassion is our nature. 

Devotion is our attitude.

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Our Mission

To Win the Lost

To Train the Won

To Send the Trained


Our Vision is to see all people cross over from death to life

in Jesus Christ!

We do this through any means necessary.

Our Team

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