If I was God Series

Joshua Tufte • February 3, 2023

What would you do if you were god?

How would history be rewritten if you were God? What accidents would be avoided? What diseases are cured? What marriages would still be together? Would every day be 72 and sunny?


Have you ever thought about that? What would you do about all humanity's problems if you were God? 

I've got to be honest. This thought has crossed my mind more than once. Sometimes for good reasons and sometimes for bad ones. I know that isn't a good thing for a pastor to admit. It's impossible to stand at the bed of a child dying of cancer and not think, "I would change this." Logic doesn't matter. The fact that I Know, without a doubt, there are reasons to be glad I'm not God doesn't matter.

I would change it. The consequences would be drastic, but I would do it. 

It's easy to point to the changes we would make if we were Sovereign. What is hard is realizing the self-serving nature of those changes. How do we trust, love, and worship a God who does things differently than we would? How do we have faith that he has our best interests in mind? This is just one of the answers we are going after through this new series here at The Crossing Church. 

Take advantage of this challenging new study Sundays in February. 

Kingdom Crossing

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