You Are Loved!

Joshua Tufte • October 14, 2022

There is a lot of uncertainty right now. Is COVID-19 ever going to end? Is my job ever going to come back? Is everyone lying to me about this? In all that mess and tangle of emotions and information, we wanted to make sure one thing was absolutely clear.


Our world has been turned upside down, but if we are honest has it ever been normal? I can’t remember a time when I or someone I knew wasn’t going through some sort of hardship. 

I’m certainly not trying to minimize what we are going through right now as a country. I do want to remind us that we are not unused to adversity. We are not an untried, young, and inexperienced people. We have conquered adversity literally hundreds of times before and will hundreds of times long after COVID-19.

Our finances will bounce back.

Our economy will bounce back.

Our Churches will bounce back.

Our Families will bounce back.

I nor anyone else know how that is going to happen. If someone tells you they do I would recommend going in the other direction. 

What we can rely on right now are age-old pillars of Truth. Truth like you find in the Bible. Truth like you find through prayer time. Truth like you find through seeking Godly advice from people around you. 

From my family to yours, I want to say, hang in there. You were created for such a time as this, lets go be the church in a time of unprecedented uncertainty.

Kingdom Crossing

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