Each quarter we release targeted goal for our church family to get behind together. This allows us to unify behind a common purpose and walk together along the same path doing significantly more than we could alone.
We want to show people God through a personal introduction. By this we mean service that matters. We want to serve people with love, meeting tangible needs, showing them the real Jesus. We want to be the ones to feed and cloth those who need it.
Biblically based goals that are set with the sole purpose of growing God's kingdom. We are not here for our gain, but kingdom gains. We seek to take part in the great commission to spread the gospel to all the world. (Matt. 28:18-20)
We believe that God can and will do abundantly more than we can ever plan for or imagine. Often, we don't act like it in our daily lives. The goals we set are not comfortable, they are not easy, they are audacious and crazy and bold.
Want to talk in person or on the phone with a pastor about the game plan? Fill out this form below and someone will be in touch with you shortly.
What is the Hub?
Knowledge is power
We don't want the path to join us in ministry here to be a mystery.
This should be clear. You are welcome to join us in growing God's kingdom. Further, It should not be hard to do so. This page will show you what is coming up and how you can get involved.
Training is key
Evangelizing others, growing God's kingdom, teaching the Word, and learning the Word all take time and a plan. We are committed to giving you a plan and helping you along the way.
Very soon, this page will be linked to online training materials.
Empowering Others Is Our Calling
Once you have knowledge and training, then it's time to release and empower you to do ministry. This can take thousands of forms.
On this page, you will find the means to make this happen.
Josh Tufte
Lead Pastor - Union Cross Campus
How do you get involved? Decide to take action!
Who can get involved? If you can read this, you can help.
Throughout scripture, God is constant that his kingdom will prevail. There is nothing here on earth that can stop that. However, he also clearly states he wants us to be his agents here on earth to grow that kingdom. We are constantly invited to take part in this great commission.
Sadly, too often, we place limits based on statistics for the growth and progress of His kingdom. We limit what we think can happen by what has happened, forgetting a history full of supernatural miracles. We serve a God of miracles. Let's act like it.
It's with this mindset we make our quarterly goals for the game plan. What if God busted every limit we think is there? What if God was waiting for you to have faith that He CAN bust every limiter?
Average Attendance of 300
Our campus is poised for growth, and we need your help to continue moving forward healthily. In line with our Summer Growth Challenge, we are seeking to move forward in audacious ways to grow our portion of God's kingdom. To do this, we want to create an INVITE CULTURE! This looks like a church where every person is committed to growing God's kingdom with people they care about. We want our friends and family to share in God's kingdom with us; to do that, it starts with us showing them a difference in our lives and inviting them.
1: Invite Culture
We are working to create an inviting culture. Where regular attendees and members invite thier friends and family at every opportunity. This quarter, we will give you the tools and education to help with this, including church events with invite tools, regular coaching in simple ways to invite others, and learning more about WHY we seek to grow God's Kingdom.
Weekly Bible Study
Every day for 5-10 minutes, commit to reading your Bible. The time of day doesn’t matter; it's just the routine. Start with a 30-day commitment and see the difference in your life.
The best way to do this with your church family is to download the “Bible” app. Create an account, then search for church friends to connect with. Then click the "Plans" tab, find a relevant subject to your life right now, and start reading.
Click Here to Download to Apple Devices
Summer Giving Challenge
Why? A giving challenge at the start of summer in a church is insane. It is the least attended time of year when growth is the slowest and money is tight.
So why do this right now?
Personally, I would like to know who made those rules. Who decides that church slumps are a necessity? Who tells us that our God and His followers can’t grow, thrive, and succeed beyond expectations? We have to remember who we serve. A social norm does not contain him.
Our goal is simple: to become financially healthy as a campus. We aim to see all people cross from death to life in Jesus Christ. To do this, we need your help.
We need an average giving of $9,000 per week by summer's end & $11,000 a week by year's end. As of right now, our weekly average is $7,797 over nearly a year of data.
This first goal can be accomplished if 120 people who are not engaged in giving at our campus start to give $10 a week. If the same number gave $30 weekly, we would crush our year-end goal. This is possible. With your help, we can march forward as a church family, reaching our community and growing God’s Kingdom.
Reach Our Community
It is our calling to spread the Gospel to all people...everywhere. We take this seriously and want you to join us as we do. This comes through attending, promoting, and volunteering at critical events and ministries each quarter.
This quarter, we are focusing on three different types of Outreach.
1- Local Community Events
2- Church Picnics
3- Churchwide Events (Think VBS)
These are great opportunities for our community to join us and encounter Jesus Christ.
COming Soon!
Students, Children, Young Adults, Couples, Young families, Old Families, and You, serving together means growing together!
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Our goal is that every kingdom worker is trained, equiped, and empowered. We do this, in large part through our gameplan.