In a culture where we are seeing the value of the family be degraded all around us. We want to make sure you know how important you are and that you are not alone.
Direct: Parenting can be lonely and discouraging. But you are not alone. We will not pull punches, we will not lie about how challenging parenting can be. We will also not lie about how amazing it is!
Caring: We honestly want our church and community to be good parents because we care about the people around us. You have value inscribed upon your DNA by a God who loves you. Therefore you matter, you're family matters!
Relevant: The materials, resources, and other tools we provide will be relevant and the best we can find. We vow to do our very best to help everyone we can. No expense will be spared, no corners cut.
Mothers and Fathers are two of the most essential roles in our society. As a parent, it is crucial that you recognize this and that the Church supports those depending on it. Some things we can't help with, but some we can.
Know you have our prayers every single day. Know we will do everything possible to support you and your children.
Below is a list of online and local resources that can help in various ways. Over time this page will grow, become better, and more relevant. Please let us know if there is a need not addressed on this page, and we will do our best to accommodate.
Great christian resources for parenting, relationships, and more!
A great resource for most things parenting from birth to college age.
Life church has a wonderful parenting podcast that is packed full of wonderful conten for parents to unpack.
A wonderful resource for parenting, relationships, and general guidence on how to navigate Life.
Sign up to access FREE printables, digital resources, tools and content or upgrade to a Premium Resource Toolkit to access audio teaching, games and more.
Love and Logic provides a wealth of free parenting articles, tips and advice for handling children of all ages.
We act on the belief – that a child is the most precious of all human beings, and the
ability to withstand the emotional and social challenges as a teenager, clearly rests
upon a caring relationship between parent, teacher and child.
Support your children to cope with challenges – Triple P programs have many simple strategies you can start using right now!
This is a secular site for parents and children. We recemmend this site for activites, play, and relationship building more than moral parenting advice.
Mental Health Association of Forsyth County http://www.triadmentalhealth.org. This organization offers a wide array of resources to help people with mental health concerns. Call 336-768-3880.
Forsyth County Social Services: Social services is available to help with financial issues,
domestic abuse issues, and many other issues. Call (336) 703-3800.
Local mental health inpatient treatment facilities: Moses Cone Behavioral Health Greensboro - 1-800-711-2635, Forsyth Medical Center Winston-Salem - 1-800-718-3550, Old Vineyard Winston-Salem - 336-794-3550. If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Local/Regional 24-hour mental health crisis/call services:
1-866-275-9552 (Daymark Recovery Services - Mobile Crisis/Engagement Services)
1-800-939-5911 (Cardinal Innovations Healthcare - Crisis# and to Access Services)
1-800-718-3550 (Novant Behavioral Health Outpatient & Assessment Center)
1-800-273-8255, ext. 1 (Veterans Administration Crisis Line)
National 24-hour mental health crisis/helplines
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)- National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Veteran's Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255, ext. 1 (or press 1)
If there is a medical crisis and/or a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 (emergency) or go to the nearest emergency room.