In a culture where we are surrounded by more people than ever in history, how is it we feel so alone? Our goal is to fight back against mental health and take back healthy minds in our community.
Direct: we don't play with mental health. We want to help and so we will be open, direct, and honest about this struggle.
Caring: We honestly want our church and community to be mentally healthy because we care about the people around us. You have value inscribed upon your DNA by a God who loves you. Therefore you matter!
Relevant: The materials, resources, and other tools we provide will be relevant and the best we can find. We vow to do our very best to help everyone we can. No expense will be spared, no corners cut.
Many of us don't even realize we are in a war until we lose the battle. The purpose of this page is to provide learning materials, local resources, and tangible help for members of our community that are facing this struggle in some form or another.
This page is for people with mental health struggles themselves, for people who have loved ones or friends that have mental health, and for families dealing with mental health struggles.
Before you go any further, we want you to know that you are not alone! We serve a God who never leaves or forsakes us. Additionally, we are here. Our church will stand with you, cry with you; we will go to the doctor with you.
But we will only know you need help if you ask. Please know we want you to ask! We want to help; it is our calling and identity to stand for one another when they cannot stand for themselves. Then one day, when you can stand, it will be your turn to stand with someone else.
Mental Health Association of Forsyth County http://www.triadmentalhealth.org. This organization offers a wide array of resources to help people with mental health concerns. Call 336-768-3880.
Forsyth County Social Services: Social services is available to help with financial issues,
domestic abuse issues, and many other issues. Call (336) 703-3800.
Local mental health inpatient treatment facilities: Moses Cone Behavioral Health Greensboro - 1-800-711-2635, Forsyth Medical Center Winston-Salem - 1-800-718-3550, Old Vineyard Winston-Salem - 336-794-3550. If you have an emergency call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Local/Regional 24-hour mental health crisis/call services:
1-866-275-9552 (Daymark Recovery Services - Mobile Crisis/Engagement Services)
1-800-939-5911 (Cardinal Innovations Healthcare - Crisis# and to Access Services)
1-800-718-3550 (Novant Behavioral Health Outpatient & Assessment Center)
1-800-273-8255, ext. 1 (Veterans Administration Crisis Line)
National 24-hour mental health crisis/helplines
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)- National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Veteran's Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255, ext. 1 (or press 1)
If there is a medical crisis and/or a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 (emergency)
or go to the nearest emergency room.
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