" . . . What if we imagined that this Christmas season
every family and child experienced the hope of Jesus
and felt the peace that only He can bring ? . . . " "
- Eddie Schmidt, Senior Pastor
For the $200,000 GOAL
See some common questions and answers below or call us at 336-996-7388.
1. City Lights Ministry (+$25k)– 10%
2. New Playground Equipment at North Main ($20-40k) – 20%
3. Kids Ministry Upgrades at Union Cross ($8-10k) – 10%
4. Eliminate Budget Deficit ($125k) – 60%
If we do not meet our $200,000 goal, we will give to the 4 initiatives based on the listed percentages.
The best ways to give:
If you are writing a check, please put in the memo line “Imagine Christmas Offering”.
We will be collecting the offering at both locations on 12/10 & 12/17. We will announce the amount raised at our Christmas Eve services.
City Lights Ministry is a faith-based organization committed to serving underprivileged children, and their families. For more information about City Lights click here to go to their website.